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Česká republika

provincie Středočeský kraj
PSČ 27009

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  google places 4.4

Palivo Cena
A95 36,90 Kč/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 33,90 Kč/l
Diesel Premium 34,50 Kč/l

ceny aktualizovány na 29.05.2024г. 5:18

christos domprogiannis
Google Places© на 17.01.2024

The staff had no manners.

Alexander Jansen
Google Places© на 01.01.2023

Cheapest fuel around. Small shop and free toilets. They may be a bit dirty at the end of the day but ok enough.

John Smith
Google Places© на 05.11.2022

Much cheaper diesel then every one else. Worth your visit.

Lukas Lambert
Google Places© на 30.05.2022

Good location, always best price, nice personnel, good experience. Right pump is for trucks with wide nozzle.

Karel Ryšavý
Google Places© на 10.09.2018

As most already now, the cheapest network of gas stations in the Czech Republic. I am convinced of the quality of petrol, as this company has just a different business model than most - lower profit margin leads to more customers

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